Welcome to the homepage of Sligo Athletic Club. We cater for Juveniles, Juniors, Seniors, Veterans, Joggers; men and women in Track & Field, Road and Cross-Country. Information such as Club News, Training Times & Venues, Fixtures and Race Results will be posted here.
For breaking news please be sure to check out our Facebook page.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sligo Athletic Club's AGM....
Sligo AC’s AGM is scheduled for Monday January 21st 2013 at 8pm
in the Southern Hotel Sligo. This is your chance to have your say
in the running of your club (Pardon the pun), it is also when new
committee members will be selected for the coming term. This is also
the chance for new members to join the Fastest growing Athletic club
in Ireland, and also the last chance for current members to renew their
membership, so please come out in numbers and support your club.
Santa Baby......
Sligo AC’s annual FUN run for club members (Current and New) takes place on St. Stephen’s day at 12:00pm at Hazelwood. This is not a race but a chance for all members to meet up and discuss what Santa brought and how much goodies were consumed. It is also a chance for members to pay the annual membership which this year we are delighted to say stay’s the same as the past number of years, Adult’s €30, Juveniles €15 and a new special family membership of €60, we appreciate the difficulties felt by all in the current climate and want to do what ever we can to ensure we are all able to keep up what we love doing, so come along, meet friends “old and new”, have a laugh while also shedding some of the festive indulgences.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
A true Thoroughbred.......Our Dermo...
A massive well done to Sligo AC's Member, Athlete, Coach and Friend Dermot McDermott who won the National Novice Crosscountry in Adamstown, Wexford. This is a massive achievement for a young man who devotes so much of his time to coaching and helping other athletes in Sligo AC so Dermot from all your friends and Fan's well done and hopefully you will celebrate in style tonight.
Monday, December 3, 2012
It's all about having fun....
Sligo AC 7,8,9 and 10 year old boys and girls took part in the Co Sligo Sportshall Athletics Competition held at Sligo IT. Well done to all who took part and performed very well for their teams and made their parents and club proud. This is an ideal winter activity for this age group with running, jumping and various agility challenges. A very happy bunch here in the photo. Next outing for this age group will be the outdoor team competition which will be held when days get longer.
Monday, October 22, 2012
You are now a Marathoner.......
Sligo AC’s Marathon Brave Hearts, “Rookies or experienced”
How you should be feeling the day after you complete the Dublin City Marathon, “Walking on cloud nine”, feeling pretty good about yourself, even though you will more than likely feel like your, “Limping on cloud nine”, But that certainly will not dull the glow even the slightest for what you have just achieved.
You set a goal of running the 26.2 miles, whether as a personal goal, or a “reclamation project”, the main thing is YOU DID IT.
“So … what was your time?” is a question you will hear from some people who really would not have the faintest understanding of what a good time for a first time or experienced marathoner might be, Or a bad time, for that matter.
You can be sure that if you answer, “2:30:20” or “6:05:47,” it would be met with the same blank stare.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying time doesn't matter to a runner, or that we should all run simply for the experience. Of course it Matters. A marathoner’s time provides a way to measure improvement, or perhaps decline. But that’s personal,
The Shop Floor Worker, the Mother / Father Juggling school pick up’s rushing for athletics training after school, the office worker and their colleague sitting at the desk beside them, they’re not going to the Olympics, but the discipline they had to summon and the commitment they had to carve out of their busy lives to train enough to run 26.2 miles was positively Olympian, regardless of time.
So for those who for what ever reason will not partake in this prestigious event this year, on the day’s after Marathon Monday, when you see your relative, friend, training partner or co-worker who completed the 26.2 miles — running, walking, or crawling please just leave it at congratulation’s, or that’s a serious achievement well done, after all they are now a member of a world class elite group and for that deserve and have earned their time in the spotlight.
Nobody succeeds alone.
While running a marathon might seem like an individual accomplishment, we rely heavily on other people throughout the process.
It starts with getting really good advice from other people who have ran marathons before.
Furthermore, our family, friends and co-workers are extremely supportive throughout the training. After long runs on Saturday / Sunday mornings you can be sure someone at work, rest or play will ask how many miles did you run the day before. “They are so supportive it felt like they were training along with you”.
The training is the real marathon
“I firmly believe that the actual marathon is really a celebration of all of the training you have done”.
You have stayed extremely motivated throughout your months of training. You can be sure there were some very challenging times along the way, like not wanting to get up and run at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday / Sunday morning, especially when the Sligo weather was not in your favor!
And some of the 15, 17, and 20+ mile training runs were nearly as difficult as the marathon itself,
In life, people win or lose based on what and how they have prepared, while everything may appear to happen on one day during the big event, the preparation for the event is what is most important.
Will I hit “the wall” (and if you do you will just have to find a way to make it through)
During the marathon, you may actually feel really good at certain points and you might start thinking, “This isn’t so bad, I may start speeding up so I can finish even faster.” Think long and hard, as 26.2 miles is a “Marathon” distance and with only a few meters to go it may take all of your efforts to put one foot in front of the other until you reach that finish line, this is simply the price you have to pay to accomplish big things, “so be sure you have the answer if you ask that question”, but always think positive.
Don’t start off too fast – Consistency is key
The training the week before the marathon is very light. Therefore, by race day, your body is just begging for exercise. And you are obviously extremely excited about the event since the atmosphere is so electric.
As a result, it is extremely tempting to want to start off the race by running really fast. But keep telling yourself that “I am going to take it slow at the beginning, because I know I will need the energy later in the race. For the first 6-7 miles, you may feel like you are running really slowly, However, you will be glad you did this, because you will need that energy for the finish.
If you do your best, you will have absolutely no regrets
There is a peace and contentment that comes from doing the best you can no matter what happens. This is all you can control and all you can ever ask of yourself, so go out run intelligently, soak up the atmosphere, be amazed by the people around you and believe in yourself, but above all enjoy yourself.
Dedicated to all Sligo AC Dublin Marathon 2012 participants…
Sunday, October 21, 2012
What A Weekend.....
Hectic Weekend for Sligo AC members....A massive well done to all Sligo AC members who competed with great commitment and effort in a number of events throughout the area this weekend, We had a first placing in the Sligo IT 5K and many PB's were also recorded by our Male, Female and Junior athletes, which goes to show you get back what you put in, we also had members competing in the novel Coney Island 10K and again records were set and satisfaction accomplished, there was also the Rathcormack 8K, and of course our up and coming stars our juveniles who competed in the Sligo Cross country in Oxfield this afternoon. Again congratulations to one and all club members, all you friends and colleagues in Sligo AC are proud of you all..
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Country Men do the job....
Well done to the Sligo AC Mens Masters Team who won Gold in the Connacht Crosscountry in Calry.Led home by Mel Casserly who finished a superb 2nd and backed up with fantastic running by Danny Hannon,Steve Finnegan and Rory Connor. Great running by Conal Sexton just missing out on an individual medal in the Novice and well done to John Dolan who made his debut over the distance. As you can see Mel still has the "Hunger" for top honours.....
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Road Runners of the 7:57 Club
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Road Runners of the 7:57 Club.
You’ll not get a Jaffa cake, fig roll, jelly baby, lucozade sport, PowerAde or High 5 Iso Gel between here and The Liffey Valley this side of October 29th .... and as for the banana’s they were bought during the weekly “Big Shop”.
Why could this be?
Because the lads from the 7:57 club are fuelling up for the Dublin City Marathon, like a bear going into Union Wood hibernating (Where most of them have been hiding sine January), For most Sligo people they go to Dublin for 3 reasons, the airport, the zoo and Lady Gaga concerts, but these boyos aren’t most people they are marathoners so they add in a trip the last weekend in October each year, and some have said it’s a lot less painful than having to go up shopping “so it’s not that bad after all”.
But on a serious note all these lads have put in a huge commitment and have dedicated huge amounts of time and effort to training for the Marathon. From the outside looking in you may think that they have done so many marathons that they just turn up, but that is not the case.
Early mornings, rescheduling of family plans, missed nights out, watching what you eat and drink are all par for the course. Lads getting out of their bed hours before the runs and driving miles out of their ways to leave out water bottles for us all along the route and back again to collect them after.
Morning and evenings when you wouldn’t put a dog out these boys took to the roads to stick to their schedules encouraging one another along the way.
No prima donnas or Billy big times here everyone was there to help the other along and although an individual sport they did it with team spirit and encouraged and persuaded any new comer that they could do it too.
Ordinary people doing extra ordinary things
Good luck:
Enda Dineen, Eamon Dunbar, Mark Burns, Ciaran Donnellan, Enda Whelan, Damien Kennedy, Kieran Coleman, Joe Davey, Richard Gorman, Paul Deering, Fintan Whelan, Mel Casserly, Nickey Davey, Padraig Scanlon, Jonathan Hill, Paul Davey, Ian Howard, and Roy Kelly.
Like their male compatriots our ladies have put in the hard slog for the 26.2 miles juggling their time and other commitments to build the mileage necessary for completing the task.
Many a mile was put in the race course on Saturday mornings and that’s not an easy place to do your long runs mentally or physically. Building steady mileage over the summer months on the road’s to culminate in the completion of the marathon has paid off, So ladies I am sure you will achieve all you set out to achieve.
Good luck to:
Linda Higgins, Aisling Kennedy, Aisling Gillen, Sharon Dineen, Vanessa Foley, Sarah McCaffrey, Deirdre Deering, Cathy McCarthy, Fiona Melvin, and Edel McGowan.
Some of these athletes are seasoned Marathon runners and others are what is known as Marathon virgins but the one thing is that each and every one of them have completely committed themselves to this magnificent challenge, and some times this can be over shadowed by the “what time do you hope to do it in” question, which immediately puts you under un-needed pressure, as the most important thing is to enjoy and soak up the adulation you deserve for achieving what you have just accomplished, a statistic to keep in your mind is that only 1% of the worlds population will ever complete a Marathon, so on Monday October 29th these individuals will become members of a very elite group and for that they are to be saluted. Best of luck and above all Happy Running.
You’ll not get a Jaffa cake, fig roll, jelly baby, lucozade sport, PowerAde or High 5 Iso Gel between here and The Liffey Valley this side of October 29th .... and as for the banana’s they were bought during the weekly “Big Shop”.
Why could this be?
Because the lads from the 7:57 club are fuelling up for the Dublin City Marathon, like a bear going into Union Wood hibernating (Where most of them have been hiding sine January), For most Sligo people they go to Dublin for 3 reasons, the airport, the zoo and Lady Gaga concerts, but these boyos aren’t most people they are marathoners so they add in a trip the last weekend in October each year, and some have said it’s a lot less painful than having to go up shopping “so it’s not that bad after all”.
But on a serious note all these lads have put in a huge commitment and have dedicated huge amounts of time and effort to training for the Marathon. From the outside looking in you may think that they have done so many marathons that they just turn up, but that is not the case.
Early mornings, rescheduling of family plans, missed nights out, watching what you eat and drink are all par for the course. Lads getting out of their bed hours before the runs and driving miles out of their ways to leave out water bottles for us all along the route and back again to collect them after.
Morning and evenings when you wouldn’t put a dog out these boys took to the roads to stick to their schedules encouraging one another along the way.
No prima donnas or Billy big times here everyone was there to help the other along and although an individual sport they did it with team spirit and encouraged and persuaded any new comer that they could do it too.
Ordinary people doing extra ordinary things
Good luck:
Enda Dineen, Eamon Dunbar, Mark Burns, Ciaran Donnellan, Enda Whelan, Damien Kennedy, Kieran Coleman, Joe Davey, Richard Gorman, Paul Deering, Fintan Whelan, Mel Casserly, Nickey Davey, Padraig Scanlon, Jonathan Hill, Paul Davey, Ian Howard, and Roy Kelly.
Like their male compatriots our ladies have put in the hard slog for the 26.2 miles juggling their time and other commitments to build the mileage necessary for completing the task.
Many a mile was put in the race course on Saturday mornings and that’s not an easy place to do your long runs mentally or physically. Building steady mileage over the summer months on the road’s to culminate in the completion of the marathon has paid off, So ladies I am sure you will achieve all you set out to achieve.
Good luck to:
Linda Higgins, Aisling Kennedy, Aisling Gillen, Sharon Dineen, Vanessa Foley, Sarah McCaffrey, Deirdre Deering, Cathy McCarthy, Fiona Melvin, and Edel McGowan.
Some of these athletes are seasoned Marathon runners and others are what is known as Marathon virgins but the one thing is that each and every one of them have completely committed themselves to this magnificent challenge, and some times this can be over shadowed by the “what time do you hope to do it in” question, which immediately puts you under un-needed pressure, as the most important thing is to enjoy and soak up the adulation you deserve for achieving what you have just accomplished, a statistic to keep in your mind is that only 1% of the worlds population will ever complete a Marathon, so on Monday October 29th these individuals will become members of a very elite group and for that they are to be saluted. Best of luck and above all Happy Running.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Colooney 5K
Colooney 5K Road race (Run / Walk) in Aid of Colooney Redevelopement, Sunday 14th October, Registration from 11:30am - 1:00pm at Colooney Parochial hall (Beside the train station), entry €10 on line at www.runireland.ie or €12 on the day. Refreshments and prize giving in the owenmore inn Colooney afterwards.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dates for your athletics diaries....
Sept 11 Fit4Life 5K (Race 1) Doorly Park 7.00 p.m.
Sept 15th Sligo City Marathon/Half Marathon Sligo IT
Sept 18 Fit4Life 5k (Race 2) Grange
Sept 25th Fit4Life 5K (Race 3) Skreen
Sept 29th All Ireland Schools Combined
Sept 29th Co Sligo Primary Schools CC Hazelwood 1.00 p.m.
Oct 2nd Fit4Life 5k (Race 4) Tubbercurry
Oct 5th Primary School Relays Sligo IT 10.30
Oct 7th Grange 10K Grange
Oct 13th Connaught Primary School CC Hazelwood 1.00 p.m.
Oct 20th Sligo IT 5k Sligo IT
Oct 21st Co Sligo CCountry U10/11/12/13/15/17/U19 Oxfield 1.00 p.m.
Nov 4th Connaught Even Ages CC + Novice & MAsters Ballina 1.00 p.m.
Nov 11th Connaught Uneven Ages CC + Intermediate Galway 1.00 p.m.
Nov 24th National Even Ages and Inter Counties Fairyhouse
Dec 9th National Uneven Ages and Novice Adamstown Wexford
Jan 19 Masters Indoors
Feb 3 Intermediate & Masters CC Derry
Juvenile Development CC
Feb 9/10 Senior Indoors
Mar 2/3 Connaught Indoors 12 -19
Mar 9 All Ireland Schools CC
Mar 23/24 National Juvenile Indoors
Apr 6/7 National Juvenile Indoors
Apr 14 10k Road Championships
Apr 27 AAI AGM
July 6/7 AAI Juvenile T & F
July 20/21 AAI Juvenile T & F
July 29th AAI Juvenile U9 – U11
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Training for the youths....
Sligo AC Monday evening athletics for 5 year olds upwards recommences on Monday 17th September at 6.00 p.m at the track at Sligo I.T
Sunday, September 2, 2012
All Ireland Champion....
Many congrats and well done to Sligo AC's Enda Whelan who won his first National Gold Medal in the M/60 category in the National Half Marathon in Athenry. A richly deserved honour for one of the clubs great servants.
For the Ladies....
The Sligo Fit 4 Life Women’s 5K series begins in two weeks time starting on Tuesday September 11th. These events, organised by Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership in conjunction with County Sligo Athletics Board and with support from Sligo Credit Union involves a series of 5K runs/walks on four consecutive Tuesday evenings. Four different locations around County Sligo have been selected for each event with Doorly Park selected for the event based in Sligo town, Grange Sports Complex will host the North Sligo event, Skreen/Dromard Community Centre will provide the base for the West Sligo event before completing the series in Tubbercurry in South Sligo with registration and awards/refreshments at St Bridget’s Hall, Tubbercurry. This series is part of Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnerships Women in Sport Initiative designed to encourage women of all ages and abilities to become more physically active. The series is aimed at females of all ability levels aged 16 and will provide them with the opportunity to walk, jog or run the 5k distance at each event. Regardless of ability or current fitness levels, the series will enable participants to monitor their progress with special awards also being presented to the twenty people who show the greatest improvement in their personal times over the separate events. Entry fee for the series is €5 per event or €15 for all four events. A series T-shirt will be provided to all participants who take part in at least three of the events. All events start at 7pm with registration at the above mentioned venues from 6pm on each date. For more information contact Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership on 0719161511 or Terry Hayes, County Sligo Athletics Board on 0872274622
John's a winner...
Just to let you all know Sligo AC has a fantastic Masters athlete who competes to a winning standard and here is some of his latest achievements .
In July he won the UK 300M hurdles and and got 2nd in the 400 meters. Two weeks after he won the UK masters decathlon.
Last week he got 3rd in the European masters decathlon and 2nd in the 300M hurdles. he now holds 4 Irish M65 records- Decathlon, 100M hurdles, 300M hurdles and pole vault.
He also did the pole vault for Sligo AC in the recent enter-club event.
Who is this superstar....non other than the winning John Mac Dermott. Congratulations John from all your friends in Sligo AC.
Mayo Race.
The Padraig Cullina 8k will be held in Irishtown (nr Ballindine) on Saturday the 8th of September 2012 at 5pm. Accurately measured course with AAI permit.
This is a fundraising event for the Mayo/Roscommon Hospice in Memory of Padraig Cullina, former secretary of Mayo AC. Padraig took up athletics in 1980 and made an outstanding contribution to the sport as an athlete, coach, administrator and event organiser. For 30 years Padraig competed across the spectrum of athletics from track & field, indoor and outdoors, to cross country and road racing, winning numerous Mayo, Connacht and National medals in the process. Registration is available on the day in the Irishtown Community Centre from 3pm. You can also enter in advance at www.runireland.com Refreshments will be served afterwards. All are welcome to Run, Jog or Walk in Memory of Padraig
This is a fundraising event for the Mayo/Roscommon Hospice in Memory of Padraig Cullina, former secretary of Mayo AC. Padraig took up athletics in 1980 and made an outstanding contribution to the sport as an athlete, coach, administrator and event organiser. For 30 years Padraig competed across the spectrum of athletics from track & field, indoor and outdoors, to cross country and road racing, winning numerous Mayo, Connacht and National medals in the process. Registration is available on the day in the Irishtown Community Centre from 3pm. You can also enter in advance at www.runireland.com Refreshments will be served afterwards. All are welcome to Run, Jog or Walk in Memory of Padraig
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Master National title.
Congratulations to Sligo AC's Kevin Mc Glone (Pictured) who won the National Masters 800mts today in Tullamore. Congratulations Kevin from all your friends in Sligo AC.
Generosity knows no bounds...
Pictured above is Mr. Ciaran Donnellan from Amcor Flexibles in Sligo presenting Michael O'Connell (Chairman) and Enda Dineen (PRO) with a cheque towards Club attire and the annual Sligo AC 8K road race, Amcor are one of Sligo AC's main sponsors and thanks to their very generous support the club have already kitted out the members in top class hoodies and will now be able to build on this. Thanks to Ciaran and all in Amcor Flexibles for your support from all you friends in Sligo AC.
Hat's of to Mr. Chairman.....
Any one who Knows Sligo AC's Chairman Mr. Facebook himself Michael O'Connell will know that when it comes to running attire Michael is up there with the best of them, always interested in what's new to the market and what improvements are been made to assist the athlete, one certain item that Michael has a "fetish" for is hat wear, Michael always want's to ensure that he keeps his "noggin" in pristine condition, and this is evident during all seasons of the year when it seems Michael has a hat for every "outfit", so when well known local long distance road runner Ciaran Donnellan was on his summer Holidays in the South of Spain and saw this hat he automatically thought of Sligo AC's Imelda de Marcos of hat's Mr. O'Connell and just had to get it for him at any cost, so now Michael can go for his run with just the one hat for all occasions...
"Health to wear Michael..Looking very classy indeed"....
Our Future Stars....
A big weekend ahead. Good luck to our Master athletes competing in the National Track & Field Finals on Saturday while on Sunday at the same venue Dermot Mc Dermott will lead County Sligo into action at the National League Finals as the Men's and Ladies teams make a bid for promotion to the Premier League. Good luck to all competing. Also on Sunday the ever popular Dromahair 4mile road race starts at 3pm with the Children's races getting underway at 2pm followed by the great hospitality. Also,thanks to Jonathan Hill for setting up the Sligo Athletic Club Facebook Page and the Twitter account.
Happy Running
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Charlestown 10K
Charlestown 10k Sat Sept 1 at 12 noon.
Run, walk or jog in aid of Charlestown, Bellaghy and District sports complex.
Registration (20 euro) in the CBD Complex, Lowpark, Charlestown (beside GAA grounds) from 10 to 11am, or on runireland.com.
Changing facilities/showers/post race refreshments at CBD Complex.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd men, women.
Measured course, AAI permit: Start is at St Attracta's National School, Lowpark - out through town onto Ballymote Road, after 3.6k water station at TJ Grady Windows right turn onto single track, right again at old Dublin road; water station after 6k mark, then downhill section into town to finish just before CBD Complex.
Contact Christina (086 3309653)
Run, walk or jog in aid of Charlestown, Bellaghy and District sports complex.
Registration (20 euro) in the CBD Complex, Lowpark, Charlestown (beside GAA grounds) from 10 to 11am, or on runireland.com.
Changing facilities/showers/post race refreshments at CBD Complex.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd men, women.
Measured course, AAI permit: Start is at St Attracta's National School, Lowpark - out through town onto Ballymote Road, after 3.6k water station at TJ Grady Windows right turn onto single track, right again at old Dublin road; water station after 6k mark, then downhill section into town to finish just before CBD Complex.
Contact Christina (086 3309653)
Dromahair Road Race
THE ANNUAL Dromahair 4 Mile Run/Walk will take place on Sunday, August
19 at 3pm while there will be a series of children's races commencing
in the village at 2pm.
The 4 Mile Run/Walk will be promoted for local charities under the
auspices of the North Leitrim Athletic Club with a licence granted for
the holding of the event by Athletics Ireland.
The Dromahair Race is also part of the Filan's Centra Sligo Credit
Union Road Race League series. Registration for the Dromahair 4 Mile
Run/Walk on August 19 starts from 1pm in the Blue Devon on Main
The course for the 4 Mile race starts and finishes on Main Street
also. The 4 Mile Race entry fees for walkers and runners are €10
adults; €3 children and €20 family rate. There will be medals for
children and numerous trophies for all in all categories.
Refreshments and prize giving will take place after the race in the
Blue Devon. For further information on the Dromahair 4 Mile Run/Walk
call Tom or Violet Cullen, telephone 071-9134697.
19 at 3pm while there will be a series of children's races commencing
in the village at 2pm.
The 4 Mile Run/Walk will be promoted for local charities under the
auspices of the North Leitrim Athletic Club with a licence granted for
the holding of the event by Athletics Ireland.
The Dromahair Race is also part of the Filan's Centra Sligo Credit
Union Road Race League series. Registration for the Dromahair 4 Mile
Run/Walk on August 19 starts from 1pm in the Blue Devon on Main
The course for the 4 Mile race starts and finishes on Main Street
also. The 4 Mile Race entry fees for walkers and runners are €10
adults; €3 children and €20 family rate. There will be medals for
children and numerous trophies for all in all categories.
Refreshments and prize giving will take place after the race in the
Blue Devon. For further information on the Dromahair 4 Mile Run/Walk
call Tom or Violet Cullen, telephone 071-9134697.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sligo AC's Royalty....
Congratulations to Sligo AC members who competed in the very challenging "King Of The Hill" in Keash on Garland Sunday, This 10K took the athletes
to the top of Keash hill, (to put it in perspective this climb is the equivalent of running the height of Knocknarea all in the first 3K,,,,,), Sligo AC's Richard Gorman finished second in a fantastic
time of 36:08 which was a massive feat considering Richard won the Lough Arrow 8 mile road race the evening before, Friend of Sligo AC Derek Hunter finished in third in a super time of just under 40:00, and Sligo AC member Enda Dineen finished in a very strong fifth place in 43:00, congratulations to all showing great endurance in this very difficult race.
Warrior warm up.....
Congrats and well done to Sligo AC's Seamus Somers who won the Knocknarea 8 mile loop run this morning in 48.20 followed home by Fergal Henry from the Sligo Tri Club in 2nd and Sligo AC's John Whelan finishing a fine 3rd. Well done to Sligo Ac's Deirdre Deering who had a great run to lead home the ladies in 62.45 followed home by Geraldine Gilroy and Aishling Cawley. A well organised run followed with a nice cuppa. Congratulations to all.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Busy Weekend with great success.......
Well done to all Sligo AC athletes today in the Woodies AAI National Juvenile Track & Field Championships in Tullamore with 4 medals and a lot of good runs, Zak Irwin won the u17 boys 200m in great style (8 National Medals this year), Colm Bourke won silver with a huge jump of 6.60 in u18 boys long jump, Emily Burns was unlucky to finish 4th in u19 girls long jump. Orlaith Delahunt silver and Robbie Kelly bronze medals in the walks and excellent runs from James McGeough u18 1500m Graham & Stacey Kerr & Ciaran mcGlone in the 200m and Dylan Carty in the u17 walk performed with excellent credit. Well done to our neighbours in North Sligo who had 1-2 as usual in the u16 1500m in Cian mcBride & William Crowe, Odhran Gildea got a brilliant silver in the u16 200m & Shane Gillen 6th in the u18 200m final. SLIGO is on the up in the athletics world, Congratulation one and all from your friends in Sligo AC.
Also congratulations to all club members who participated in the wide range of events being held over the weekend, Coolaney 8K, Lough Arrow 8 Mile and the Strandhill Loop, all tough events but which will stand to all over the coming months.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Olympic Journey......
Pictured above is well known Sligo AC athlete, coach and former Chairman Ray Flynn,
the Calry native is a fantastic ambassador for athletics and this can be seen every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the Sligo IT athletic track where Ray can be found passing on his wealth of knowledge to the younger and upcoming Sligo AC stars. Ray him self was a very competitive athlete both at long distance running having a PB of 2:38 in the Dublin City Marathon but most notably at his beloved Race walking where Ray really shone on the local and international stage. Ray is now preparing to attend his 4th Olympic Games and for this Olympics he will be attending as Chairman of High Performance Athletics Ireland, Ray will also be accompanying 3 of his Race walking stars which under Ray's expert tuition qualified for the London games. We at Sligo AC want to take this opportunity firstly to thank Ray for all his hard work, dedication and commitment to Sligo AC throughout the years and wish him and all his Team Ireland athletes the very best of luck in London and we will all be shouting for your success.
Stay safe.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Weekend Update
A massive well done to Sligo AC athlete Emmett Dunleavy who finished 5th in the Fingal 10K today in a super time of 32:53, well done Emmett from all your friends in Sligo AC.
Well done to Sligo AC's Zak Irwin wining a Bronze medal in the 200mtrs atthe schools International in Ashford England yesterday (Saturday), Earlier in the week saw Aishan Patil and J.P Carty run PB's over 800m in Santry and Colm Bourke competed well in the Cork City Sports, well done to all from all in Sligo AC.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Rescue Support
Pictured is Sligo AC Chairman Michael "Facebook" O'Connell presenting Brian Sexton with €300 to the Sligo Leitrim Mountain Rescue team, proceeds from the trail run organised by Sligo AC on Wednesday evening last where 65 runners braved the hilly terrain of Union wood, and Sligo AC would like to congratulate and thank all who took part for their great support.
Run In Mayo...
The 20th Balla 10k will take place on July 28th at 7pm. It is the third race in Mayo AC C&C Cellular 2012 Road League.
This traditional race has an established place on the calendar and has always attracted runners from the top clubs in the west and further afield. The 10k course has a reputation for being tough but fair, and the same runners come back year after year - love it or loathe it. As well as the ups and downs, there are straight flat stretches and a fast downhill main street finish. The race open to all - run, walk, jog. . Fit4Life groups, Men on the Move, especially welcome
Full details are on www.mayoac.com They include a 2,000 euro cash prize fund spread across a range of categories from junior/senior to o60.
Chip timing. This year clubs will compete for team prizes.The combined times of the first three men and women club finishers will count. There will be medals and high viz jackets for all finishers. Refreshments at Community Centre. Showers at GAA club.
Enter (20 euro) through runireland.com or on the day at the Community centre from 5.30. race start 7pm. A "Sheebeen" 2k race for u16 boys and girls will start at 6.30.
Contact Brendan 087 2941227
This traditional race has an established place on the calendar and has always attracted runners from the top clubs in the west and further afield. The 10k course has a reputation for being tough but fair, and the same runners come back year after year - love it or loathe it. As well as the ups and downs, there are straight flat stretches and a fast downhill main street finish. The race open to all - run, walk, jog. . Fit4Life groups, Men on the Move, especially welcome
Full details are on www.mayoac.com They include a 2,000 euro cash prize fund spread across a range of categories from junior/senior to o60.
Chip timing. This year clubs will compete for team prizes.The combined times of the first three men and women club finishers will count. There will be medals and high viz jackets for all finishers. Refreshments at Community Centre. Showers at GAA club.
Enter (20 euro) through runireland.com or on the day at the Community centre from 5.30. race start 7pm. A "Sheebeen" 2k race for u16 boys and girls will start at 6.30.
Contact Brendan 087 2941227
Charities to Benefit....
Taking Place on Saturday 8th September 2012 at 3pm Sharp on The Mall, Sligo. Children’s Races Start at 2pm Sharp on The Mall, Sligo.
Registration from 12.30 pm in The Catacombs, The Mall, Sligo.
Entry Fee is:
€10 Seniors/Veterans (over age 19),
€5 Juniors (age 15- under 19) &
Children (under age 15) €2
All Proceeds are in aid of:
Calry Parish Church Fund & The Irish Wheelchair Association
Trophies & Medals Sponsored by Leslie Bagnall, Cordners, Sligo & Kenneth Hunter,Menswear, Sligo, which will be given to:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Senior (Age 19-40) Male & Female Runner
1st, 2nd, 3rd Veteran (from Age Over 40) Male & Female Runner
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Junior (Age 15- Under 19) Male & Female Runner
1st Male & Female Walker
1st , 2nd, 3rd Child (Age 10- Under 15) Boy & Girl in the Children’s Race
1st, 2nd, 3rd Child (Under 10) Boy & Girl in the Children’s Race
Other Prizes will be awarded amongst all other runners & walkers
Tea & Refreshments & Prize Giving after the race in
The Catacombs, The Mall, Sligo.
Any Enquiries Contact:
Revd. Patrick Bamber @ 0719146513
Pauline Henry @ 0863530195,
Margaret Henry @ 0863300474
Taking Place on Saturday 8th September 2012 at 3pm Sharp on The Mall, Sligo. Children’s Races Start at 2pm Sharp on The Mall, Sligo.
Registration from 12.30 pm in The Catacombs, The Mall, Sligo.
Entry Fee is:
€10 Seniors/Veterans (over age 19),
€5 Juniors (age 15- under 19) &
Children (under age 15) €2
All Proceeds are in aid of:
Calry Parish Church Fund & The Irish Wheelchair Association
Trophies & Medals Sponsored by Leslie Bagnall, Cordners, Sligo & Kenneth Hunter,Menswear, Sligo, which will be given to:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Senior (Age 19-40) Male & Female Runner
1st, 2nd, 3rd Veteran (from Age Over 40) Male & Female Runner
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Junior (Age 15- Under 19) Male & Female Runner
1st Male & Female Walker
1st , 2nd, 3rd Child (Age 10- Under 15) Boy & Girl in the Children’s Race
1st, 2nd, 3rd Child (Under 10) Boy & Girl in the Children’s Race
Other Prizes will be awarded amongst all other runners & walkers
Tea & Refreshments & Prize Giving after the race in
The Catacombs, The Mall, Sligo.
Any Enquiries Contact:
Revd. Patrick Bamber @ 0719146513
Pauline Henry @ 0863530195,
Margaret Henry @ 0863300474
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Runners take Flight...
Best of luck to two hugely talented Sligo juvenile athletes who will represent Ireland in the Aviva Schools International in England this Saturday.All athletic followers in Sligo send Zak Irwin and Cian Mc Bride best wishes as they compete against the best from Wales,England & Scotland.Well done to their coaches for taking the lads to this level. Best of luck from all your friends in Sligo AC..
King Of The Mountains...
The tour de France is not the only place you will find a King Of The Mountains, Sligo AC has their very own Royal..that is no other than the fantastic Danny Hannon, Danny was the first runner home in the 7K Trail run held in Union wood this evening in a time of 31 minutes, the course was VERY challenging to say the least but for anyone that knows him you will know the hill's is where Danny really shows his class. There was a total of 65 brave souls who took the challenge and well done to you all. Happy Running...
Monday, July 16, 2012
Tireragh 4 Mile results.
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
1 112 Emmett Dunleavy Sligo AC SM 0:20:23 0:00:00
2 244 Alan Maguire SM 0:21:07 0:00:44
3 169 Killian O'Connor Sligo AC SM 0:21:39 0:01:16
4 1013 Saemus Somers Sligo AC SM 0:21:52 0:01:29
5 201 Danny Hannon Sligo AC M50 0:22:25 0:02:02
6 1004 Alan Kearins Sligo AC SM 0:22:33 0:02:10
7 203 Derek Hunter M40 0:23:17 0:02:54
8 1024 Garry Gallagher Nth Sligo AC SM 0:23:21 0:02:58
9 131 David Kearins Sligo AC M40 0:23:23 0:03:00
10 1002 Michael Carroll Nth Sligo AC SM 0:23:25 0:03:02
11 126 Neal Higgins Sligo AC SM 0:23:30 0:03:07
12 208 Brendan Hession Mayo AC SM 0:23:33 0:03:10
13 207 Patrick Walsh Mayo AC SM 0:23:48 0:03:25
14 152 Michael O'Connell Sligo AC M40 0:23:52 0:03:29
15 116 Stephen Finnigan Sligo AC M50 0:24:02 0:03:39
16 185 John Whelan Sligo AC SM 0:24:04 0:03:41
17 241 Tom Meehan Sligo AC M50 0:24:05 0:03:42
18 160 Conal Sexton Sligo AC SM 0:24:11 0:03:48
19 103 Brendan Brett South Sligo AC M40 0:24:24 0:04:01
20 1028 Karl Boyce Sligo AC M40 0:24:27 0:04:04
21 199 Matty Regan SM 0:24:35 0:04:12
22 187 Mary Hanley NaFianna F40 0:24:40 0:04:17
23 1015 Keith Raymond SM 0:24:55 0:04:32
24 146 Maurice Meade Sligo AC SM 0:25:01 0:04:38
25 216 Paul Deering Sligo AC M40 0:25:02 0:04:39
26 1047 John Kilgallen SM 0:25:05 0:04:42
27 210 Dominic Regan Mayo AC M40 0:25:06 0:04:43
28 164 Aisling Van Rensburg Nth Sligo AC SL 0:25:07 0:04:44
29 128 Trevor Hunter Sligo AC M50 0:25:09 0:04:46
30 233 Paul McGrath Sth Sligo AC M40 0:25:11 0:04:48
31 1046 John Quinn SM 0:25:13 0:04:50
32 234 Una McCool Nth Sligo AC SL 0:25:14 0:04:51
33 159 Padraic Scanlon Sligo AC M40 0:25:31 0:05:08
34 1011 Michael Casey Sligo AC M40 0:25:38 0:05:15
35 110 Nicky Davey Sligo AC SM 0:25:44 0:05:21
36 141 Elizabeth McCabe Nth Sligo AC F40 0:25:50 0:05:27
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
37 184 Fintan Whelan Sligo AC SM 0:26:10 0:05:47
38 1001 Gerard Kilfeather Nth Sligo AC M50 0:26:11 0:05:48
39 170 Helen Stockdale F40 0:26:12 0:05:49
40 1048 Martin Melvin SM 0:26:13 0:05:50
41 1029 kieran Coleman Sl;igo Tri Club SM 0:26:14 0:05:51
42 1062 Adrian Devaney SM 0:26:27 0:06:04
43 143 Paul McGarrigle Knocknarea SM 0:26:29 0:06:06
44 242 Ambrose Gaughan Mayo AC M40 0:26:30 0:06:07
45 231 Cindy McCarthy Sligo AC F40 0:26:51 0:06:28
46 1034 Nicky McDermott jm 0:26:54 0:06:31
47 1057 Trevor McDaid Nth Leitrim AC M40 0:26:59 0:06:36
48 223 James Callaghan SM 0:27:17 0:06:54
49 1060 Conor McElhinney SM 0:27:19 0:06:56
50 123 Mary Gilmartin Nth Sligo AC F40 0:27:20 0:06:57
51 243 Noreen McManamon Mayo AC F40 0:27:25 0:07:02
52 202 Ann Hunter F40 0:27:27 0:07:04
53 191 Andrea Horgan Nth Sligo AC SL 0:27:39 0:07:16
54 235 Anne Byrne Nth Sligo AC SL 0:27:44 0:07:21
55 238 Michael McDermott M50 0:27:46 0:07:23
56 247 Hugh Gallagher Letterkenny AC M50 0:27:50 0:07:27
57 215 Paul Kerrigan Nth Sligo AC M40 0:27:52 0:07:29
58 1040 Martin Clarkin SM 0:27:56 0:07:33
59 249 Patricia McCosker Nth Sligo AC 0:27:57 0:07:34
60 124 Geraldine Gilroy Sligo AC F40 0:28:07 0:07:44
61 214 John Currid Nth Sligo AC M40 0:28:09 0:07:46
62 1014 Lorraine Cuffe Sligo AC SL 0:28:11 0:07:48
63 1020 Jerry O'Grady Coolaney SM 0:28:13 0:07:50
64 217 Deirdre Deering Sligo AC F40 0:28:15 0:07:52
65 186 Catherine Bradley Sligo AC F40 0:28:17 0:07:54
66 224 John Best SM 0:28:27 0:08:04
67 177 Rianne McHugh Sligo AC SL 0:28:31 0:08:08
68 125 Pauline Henry Sligo AC SL 0:28:33 0:08:10
69 221 Linda Lally Nth sligo AC SL 0:28:34 0:08:11
70 1032 Martin Feeney F50 0:28:36 0:08:13
71 196 Fergus Kilcullen SM 0:28:37 0:08:14
72 183 Enda Whelan Sligo AC M60 0:28:39 0:08:16
73 106 Aaron Cadden Sligo AC jm 0:28:42 0:08:19
74 1005 Aishling Cawley Sligo AC SL 0:28:45 0:08:22
75 245 Donal Kilcullen Tireragh AC jm 0:28:47 0:08:24
76 248 Karen Gillen Nth Sligo AC F40 0:28:48 0:08:25
77 237 James Hardiman Nth Sligo AC M40 0:28:50 0:08:27
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
78 148 Seamus Neary Tireragh AC jm 0:28:52 0:08:29
79 176 Willie Parke Sligo M60 0:29:08 0:08:45
80 138 Paul Maye Dromahair SM 0:29:31 0:09:08
81 1043 Joe stagg Ballymote M50 0:29:35 0:09:12
82 218 Keenan Deering Sligo AC jm 0:29:37 0:09:14
83 212 Cathy McCarthy Sligo AC F40 0:29:40 0:09:17
84 119 Mary Furey Tireragh AC F40 0:29:43 0:09:20
85 145 Brendan McIntyre Curry SM 0:29:45 0:09:22
86 200 Gerry Gilmartin M40 0:29:56 0:09:33
87 209 Dawn Regan Mayo AC JW 0:29:59 0:09:36
88 133 Michael Kilcullen Tireragh AC M50 0:30:00 0:09:37
89 1012 Padraig Gorman M40 0:30:01 0:09:38
90 197 Brendan Kilcullen SM 0:30:03 0:09:40
91 111 Ciaran Donnellan Sligo AC M50 0:30:05 0:09:42
92 150 Jim O'Carroll Skreen M40 0:30:09 0:09:46
93 158 Herve Rouxel Sligo M40 0:30:11 0:09:48
94 250 AlisonO'Sullivan Nth Sligo AC F40 0:30:16 0:09:53
95 1041 Trevor Kelly SM 0:30:19 0:09:56
96 1016 Grainne Cannon Nth sligo AC SL 0:30:23 0:10:00
97 122 Ann Gilmartin Enniscrone F40 0:30:55 0:10:32
98 173 eoghan Sheehan SM 0:30:58 0:10:35
99 192 Karen Sweeney Sth Sligo AC SL 0:31:03 0:10:40
100 198 Michelle Henry Nth Sligo AC SL 0:31:06 0:10:43
101 165 Anthony Walsh Sth Sligo AC M50 0:31:31 0:11:08
102 230 Clive Kivlehan SM 0:31:45 0:11:22
103 118 Maggie Fox Tireragh AC SL 0:31:48 0:11:25
104 194 Deirdre Staunton F40 0:31:51 0:11:28
105 167 Rose Young Sligo AC F50 0:32:16 0:11:53
106 188 Janice Currid Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:18 0:11:55
107 1006 Finbar Filan Sligo AC M40 0:32:29 0:12:06
108 132 Noirin Kelly Tireragh AC F40 0:32:36 0:12:13
109 190 Rose Hennigan Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:41 0:12:18
110 108 Rachel Conlon Calry AC SL 0:32:42 0:12:19
111 144 Brian McGauran Sligo M40 0:32:46 0:12:23
112 107 Jillian Casey Crusaders AC SL 0:32:47 0:12:24
113 239 jim Davis Tireragh AC jm 0:32:49 0:12:26
114 189 Marie Feeney Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:50 0:12:27
115 115 Katrina Finnigan Tireragh AC SL 0:32:54 0:12:31
116 101 Deirdre Boland Tireragh AC SL 0:32:55 0:12:32
117 204 Michael Carney SM 0:33:08 0:12:45
118 193 Sandra Boyers Sth Sligo AC SL 0:33:09 0:12:46
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
119 172 Gilian Sweeney SL 0:33:19 0:12:56
120 205 Brian McCann M40 0:33:21 0:12:58
121 117 Carmel Flynn Sligo F40 0:33:27 0:13:04
122 228 Bernie Flynn Sligo AC F50 0:33:29 0:13:06
123 226 Maeve Hayes SL 0:33:34 0:13:11
124 1059 Ellen Phillips SL 0:33:42 0:13:19
125 179 Kieran Hargadon SM 0:33:45 0:13:22
126 1019 Martina Kilgallon Sligo AC F50 0:34:00 0:13:37
127 163 Paul Tolan Fivemilebourne SM 0:34:17 0:13:54
128 219 Damien Kerrigan M40 0:34:27 0:14:04
129 213 Conor McCarthy Sligo aC M50 0:34:30 0:14:07
130 232 Marie Jones Dunboyne AC F50 0:34:37 0:14:14
131 1050 Sinead Tempany SL 0:34:46 0:14:23
132 1017 Maeve McCormack SligoAC F40 0:34:48 0:14:25
133 161 Fionnuala Silke Tireragh aC SL 0:34:54 0:14:31
134 157 Karen Rouxel Sligo F40 0:35:04 0:14:41
135 109 Winnie Connolly Sligo F40 0:35:14 0:14:51
136 1039 Jack Clarke jm 0:35:19 0:14:56
137 1044 Emer Whyte SL 0:35:28 0:15:05
138 171 Nola Gibbons SL 0:35:29 0:15:06
139 156 Mary O'Meara Tireragh AC SL 0:35:38 0:15:15
140 182 Eamonn Lonergan SM 0:35:40 0:15:17
141 1027 Lorraine O'Meara SL 0:35:44 0:15:21
142 140 Sorcha McManus Tireragh aC SL 0:35:49 0:15:26
143 1056 Bernie O'Connor Sligo SL 0:35:51 0:15:28
144 1003 Patsy Prior F40 0:35:58 0:15:35
145 135 Marie Kilfeather Sligo SL 0:36:02 0:15:39
146 155 Frankie O'Mahony Sligo AC M40 0:36:03 0:15:40
147 1033 Deirdre Murphy JW 0:36:37 0:16:14
148 1018 Mary Heffernan F40 0:36:42 0:16:19
149 227 Jacinta Walsh Sligo AC SL 0:36:57 0:16:34
150 139 Sarah McGuinness Foxford SL 0:37:24 0:17:01
151 162 Giulia Tesoriero Sligo SL 0:37:33 0:17:10
152 1045 Tara Kelly SL 0:37:40 0:17:17
153 178 Martina Conlon F40 0:37:47 0:17:24
154 1007 Patricia Brogan SL 0:38:14 0:17:51
155 113 Sharon Eastwood Tireragh AC F40 0:38:17 0:17:54
156 130 Deirdre Johnston Dromore West - SL 0:38:18 0:17:55
157 137 Josephine Marley Skreen F40 0:38:20 0:17:57
158 134 Annie Kilcullen Tireragh AC F40 0:38:31 0:18:08
159 1049 Jamie O'Carroll Tireragh AC SM 0:38:37 0:18:14
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
160 1008 Anne O'Hara F50 0:39:10 0:18:47
161 1010 Colarine Colleary Sligo AC SL 0:39:13 0:18:50
162 104 Alvinia Byrne TUAM SL 0:39:15 0:18:52
163 1061 Noreen Walsh SL 0:39:25 0:19:02
164 1009 Lisa Cuffe SL 0:39:27 0:19:04
165 1051 Peter Leech Tireragh AC jm 0:39:58 0:19:35
166 1063 Pat Lang M40 0:40:01 0:19:38
167 114 Amanda Farry Coolaney - SL 0:40:03 0:19:40
168 1026 Sheila McDermott Tireragh AC F40 0:40:36 0:20:13
169 1021 Vanessa Dunleavy SL 0:40:58 0:20:35
170 105 Conor Cadden Sligo jm 0:41:06 0:20:43
171 166 John Ward Tireragh AC M40 0:41:49 0:21:26
172 181 Fiona Finnegan SL 0:41:52 0:21:29
173 1042 Dicky Connolly SM 0:41:58 0:21:35
174 225 Isabelle McPhillips Tireragh AC JW 0:42:28 0:22:05
175 1058 Dawn Burrows F50 0:42:56 0:22:33
176 180 Susan Baker SL 0:42:58 0:22:35
177 229 Siobhan Fallon Tireragh AC F50 0:43:18 0:22:55
178 142 Lisa McDaniel Fitness4All SL 0:43:37 0:23:14
179 102 Mary Bradley Neary Tireragh AC F40 0:43:53 0:23:30
180 246 Ann Gallagher FW 0:43:57 0:23:34
181 1054 Orla Bonner Tireragh AC SL 0:43:59 0:23:36
182 1025 Vivienne Egan SL 0:44:00 0:23:37
183 154 Frances O'Grady Tireragh AC SL 0:44:26 0:24:03
184 1022 Ciara Mooney Tireragh AC JW 0:44:47 0:24:24
185 240 Holly Dawn Tireragh AC JW 0:44:52 0:24:29
186 1055 Emma Bonner Tireragh AC JW 0:44:54 0:24:31
187 149 Lisa Neary Dromore West SL 0:44:56 0:24:33
188 136 Sharon Kilgannon Ballina SL 0:44:57 0:24:34
189 120 Deirdre Gethins Tireragh AC F40 0:47:45 0:27:22
190 168 Sean Dooner South West Vets M60 0:48:28 0:28:05
191 206 Gillia Gilgan SL 0:48:40 0:28:17
192 195 Niamh Gallagher FW 0:49:47 0:29:24
193 220 Anne Keerrigan F40 0:49:48 0:29:25
194 121 Kelly Gethins Ballymote FW 0:52:55 0:32:32
195 147 Maria Murray Tireragh AC FW 0:52:56 0:32:33
196 174 Christine O'Carroll Tireragh AC FW 0:53:52 0:33:29
197 175 Michelle Murray Tireragh AC FW 0:53:53 0:33:30
198 1023 Ann McDermlott SL 0:56:05 0:35:42
199 1031 Thelma Banks Dromahair Walking FW 0:57:39 0:37:16
200 236 Colin Davis Tireragh AC M40 0:58:05 0:37:42
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
201 1038 Gerard Clarke MW 0:58:06 0:37:43
202 1035 Ann Reilly F40 0:59:58 0:39:35
203 1036 Amanda Horan Tireragh AC SL 0:59:59 0:39:36
204 1037 patricia Clarke FW 1:00:01 0:39:38
205 211 Lily Flynn FW 1:01:10 0:40:47
206 1030 Harry Banks Dromahair Walking ClubMW 1:01:11 0:40:48
207 1052 Freda Clarke FW 1:02:20 0:41:57
208 222 Liam Gallagher jm 1:02:30 0:42:07
1 112 Emmett Dunleavy Sligo AC SM 0:20:23 0:00:00
2 244 Alan Maguire SM 0:21:07 0:00:44
3 169 Killian O'Connor Sligo AC SM 0:21:39 0:01:16
4 1013 Saemus Somers Sligo AC SM 0:21:52 0:01:29
5 201 Danny Hannon Sligo AC M50 0:22:25 0:02:02
6 1004 Alan Kearins Sligo AC SM 0:22:33 0:02:10
7 203 Derek Hunter M40 0:23:17 0:02:54
8 1024 Garry Gallagher Nth Sligo AC SM 0:23:21 0:02:58
9 131 David Kearins Sligo AC M40 0:23:23 0:03:00
10 1002 Michael Carroll Nth Sligo AC SM 0:23:25 0:03:02
11 126 Neal Higgins Sligo AC SM 0:23:30 0:03:07
12 208 Brendan Hession Mayo AC SM 0:23:33 0:03:10
13 207 Patrick Walsh Mayo AC SM 0:23:48 0:03:25
14 152 Michael O'Connell Sligo AC M40 0:23:52 0:03:29
15 116 Stephen Finnigan Sligo AC M50 0:24:02 0:03:39
16 185 John Whelan Sligo AC SM 0:24:04 0:03:41
17 241 Tom Meehan Sligo AC M50 0:24:05 0:03:42
18 160 Conal Sexton Sligo AC SM 0:24:11 0:03:48
19 103 Brendan Brett South Sligo AC M40 0:24:24 0:04:01
20 1028 Karl Boyce Sligo AC M40 0:24:27 0:04:04
21 199 Matty Regan SM 0:24:35 0:04:12
22 187 Mary Hanley NaFianna F40 0:24:40 0:04:17
23 1015 Keith Raymond SM 0:24:55 0:04:32
24 146 Maurice Meade Sligo AC SM 0:25:01 0:04:38
25 216 Paul Deering Sligo AC M40 0:25:02 0:04:39
26 1047 John Kilgallen SM 0:25:05 0:04:42
27 210 Dominic Regan Mayo AC M40 0:25:06 0:04:43
28 164 Aisling Van Rensburg Nth Sligo AC SL 0:25:07 0:04:44
29 128 Trevor Hunter Sligo AC M50 0:25:09 0:04:46
30 233 Paul McGrath Sth Sligo AC M40 0:25:11 0:04:48
31 1046 John Quinn SM 0:25:13 0:04:50
32 234 Una McCool Nth Sligo AC SL 0:25:14 0:04:51
33 159 Padraic Scanlon Sligo AC M40 0:25:31 0:05:08
34 1011 Michael Casey Sligo AC M40 0:25:38 0:05:15
35 110 Nicky Davey Sligo AC SM 0:25:44 0:05:21
36 141 Elizabeth McCabe Nth Sligo AC F40 0:25:50 0:05:27
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
37 184 Fintan Whelan Sligo AC SM 0:26:10 0:05:47
38 1001 Gerard Kilfeather Nth Sligo AC M50 0:26:11 0:05:48
39 170 Helen Stockdale F40 0:26:12 0:05:49
40 1048 Martin Melvin SM 0:26:13 0:05:50
41 1029 kieran Coleman Sl;igo Tri Club SM 0:26:14 0:05:51
42 1062 Adrian Devaney SM 0:26:27 0:06:04
43 143 Paul McGarrigle Knocknarea SM 0:26:29 0:06:06
44 242 Ambrose Gaughan Mayo AC M40 0:26:30 0:06:07
45 231 Cindy McCarthy Sligo AC F40 0:26:51 0:06:28
46 1034 Nicky McDermott jm 0:26:54 0:06:31
47 1057 Trevor McDaid Nth Leitrim AC M40 0:26:59 0:06:36
48 223 James Callaghan SM 0:27:17 0:06:54
49 1060 Conor McElhinney SM 0:27:19 0:06:56
50 123 Mary Gilmartin Nth Sligo AC F40 0:27:20 0:06:57
51 243 Noreen McManamon Mayo AC F40 0:27:25 0:07:02
52 202 Ann Hunter F40 0:27:27 0:07:04
53 191 Andrea Horgan Nth Sligo AC SL 0:27:39 0:07:16
54 235 Anne Byrne Nth Sligo AC SL 0:27:44 0:07:21
55 238 Michael McDermott M50 0:27:46 0:07:23
56 247 Hugh Gallagher Letterkenny AC M50 0:27:50 0:07:27
57 215 Paul Kerrigan Nth Sligo AC M40 0:27:52 0:07:29
58 1040 Martin Clarkin SM 0:27:56 0:07:33
59 249 Patricia McCosker Nth Sligo AC 0:27:57 0:07:34
60 124 Geraldine Gilroy Sligo AC F40 0:28:07 0:07:44
61 214 John Currid Nth Sligo AC M40 0:28:09 0:07:46
62 1014 Lorraine Cuffe Sligo AC SL 0:28:11 0:07:48
63 1020 Jerry O'Grady Coolaney SM 0:28:13 0:07:50
64 217 Deirdre Deering Sligo AC F40 0:28:15 0:07:52
65 186 Catherine Bradley Sligo AC F40 0:28:17 0:07:54
66 224 John Best SM 0:28:27 0:08:04
67 177 Rianne McHugh Sligo AC SL 0:28:31 0:08:08
68 125 Pauline Henry Sligo AC SL 0:28:33 0:08:10
69 221 Linda Lally Nth sligo AC SL 0:28:34 0:08:11
70 1032 Martin Feeney F50 0:28:36 0:08:13
71 196 Fergus Kilcullen SM 0:28:37 0:08:14
72 183 Enda Whelan Sligo AC M60 0:28:39 0:08:16
73 106 Aaron Cadden Sligo AC jm 0:28:42 0:08:19
74 1005 Aishling Cawley Sligo AC SL 0:28:45 0:08:22
75 245 Donal Kilcullen Tireragh AC jm 0:28:47 0:08:24
76 248 Karen Gillen Nth Sligo AC F40 0:28:48 0:08:25
77 237 James Hardiman Nth Sligo AC M40 0:28:50 0:08:27
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
78 148 Seamus Neary Tireragh AC jm 0:28:52 0:08:29
79 176 Willie Parke Sligo M60 0:29:08 0:08:45
80 138 Paul Maye Dromahair SM 0:29:31 0:09:08
81 1043 Joe stagg Ballymote M50 0:29:35 0:09:12
82 218 Keenan Deering Sligo AC jm 0:29:37 0:09:14
83 212 Cathy McCarthy Sligo AC F40 0:29:40 0:09:17
84 119 Mary Furey Tireragh AC F40 0:29:43 0:09:20
85 145 Brendan McIntyre Curry SM 0:29:45 0:09:22
86 200 Gerry Gilmartin M40 0:29:56 0:09:33
87 209 Dawn Regan Mayo AC JW 0:29:59 0:09:36
88 133 Michael Kilcullen Tireragh AC M50 0:30:00 0:09:37
89 1012 Padraig Gorman M40 0:30:01 0:09:38
90 197 Brendan Kilcullen SM 0:30:03 0:09:40
91 111 Ciaran Donnellan Sligo AC M50 0:30:05 0:09:42
92 150 Jim O'Carroll Skreen M40 0:30:09 0:09:46
93 158 Herve Rouxel Sligo M40 0:30:11 0:09:48
94 250 AlisonO'Sullivan Nth Sligo AC F40 0:30:16 0:09:53
95 1041 Trevor Kelly SM 0:30:19 0:09:56
96 1016 Grainne Cannon Nth sligo AC SL 0:30:23 0:10:00
97 122 Ann Gilmartin Enniscrone F40 0:30:55 0:10:32
98 173 eoghan Sheehan SM 0:30:58 0:10:35
99 192 Karen Sweeney Sth Sligo AC SL 0:31:03 0:10:40
100 198 Michelle Henry Nth Sligo AC SL 0:31:06 0:10:43
101 165 Anthony Walsh Sth Sligo AC M50 0:31:31 0:11:08
102 230 Clive Kivlehan SM 0:31:45 0:11:22
103 118 Maggie Fox Tireragh AC SL 0:31:48 0:11:25
104 194 Deirdre Staunton F40 0:31:51 0:11:28
105 167 Rose Young Sligo AC F50 0:32:16 0:11:53
106 188 Janice Currid Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:18 0:11:55
107 1006 Finbar Filan Sligo AC M40 0:32:29 0:12:06
108 132 Noirin Kelly Tireragh AC F40 0:32:36 0:12:13
109 190 Rose Hennigan Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:41 0:12:18
110 108 Rachel Conlon Calry AC SL 0:32:42 0:12:19
111 144 Brian McGauran Sligo M40 0:32:46 0:12:23
112 107 Jillian Casey Crusaders AC SL 0:32:47 0:12:24
113 239 jim Davis Tireragh AC jm 0:32:49 0:12:26
114 189 Marie Feeney Nth Sligo AC SL 0:32:50 0:12:27
115 115 Katrina Finnigan Tireragh AC SL 0:32:54 0:12:31
116 101 Deirdre Boland Tireragh AC SL 0:32:55 0:12:32
117 204 Michael Carney SM 0:33:08 0:12:45
118 193 Sandra Boyers Sth Sligo AC SL 0:33:09 0:12:46
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
119 172 Gilian Sweeney SL 0:33:19 0:12:56
120 205 Brian McCann M40 0:33:21 0:12:58
121 117 Carmel Flynn Sligo F40 0:33:27 0:13:04
122 228 Bernie Flynn Sligo AC F50 0:33:29 0:13:06
123 226 Maeve Hayes SL 0:33:34 0:13:11
124 1059 Ellen Phillips SL 0:33:42 0:13:19
125 179 Kieran Hargadon SM 0:33:45 0:13:22
126 1019 Martina Kilgallon Sligo AC F50 0:34:00 0:13:37
127 163 Paul Tolan Fivemilebourne SM 0:34:17 0:13:54
128 219 Damien Kerrigan M40 0:34:27 0:14:04
129 213 Conor McCarthy Sligo aC M50 0:34:30 0:14:07
130 232 Marie Jones Dunboyne AC F50 0:34:37 0:14:14
131 1050 Sinead Tempany SL 0:34:46 0:14:23
132 1017 Maeve McCormack SligoAC F40 0:34:48 0:14:25
133 161 Fionnuala Silke Tireragh aC SL 0:34:54 0:14:31
134 157 Karen Rouxel Sligo F40 0:35:04 0:14:41
135 109 Winnie Connolly Sligo F40 0:35:14 0:14:51
136 1039 Jack Clarke jm 0:35:19 0:14:56
137 1044 Emer Whyte SL 0:35:28 0:15:05
138 171 Nola Gibbons SL 0:35:29 0:15:06
139 156 Mary O'Meara Tireragh AC SL 0:35:38 0:15:15
140 182 Eamonn Lonergan SM 0:35:40 0:15:17
141 1027 Lorraine O'Meara SL 0:35:44 0:15:21
142 140 Sorcha McManus Tireragh aC SL 0:35:49 0:15:26
143 1056 Bernie O'Connor Sligo SL 0:35:51 0:15:28
144 1003 Patsy Prior F40 0:35:58 0:15:35
145 135 Marie Kilfeather Sligo SL 0:36:02 0:15:39
146 155 Frankie O'Mahony Sligo AC M40 0:36:03 0:15:40
147 1033 Deirdre Murphy JW 0:36:37 0:16:14
148 1018 Mary Heffernan F40 0:36:42 0:16:19
149 227 Jacinta Walsh Sligo AC SL 0:36:57 0:16:34
150 139 Sarah McGuinness Foxford SL 0:37:24 0:17:01
151 162 Giulia Tesoriero Sligo SL 0:37:33 0:17:10
152 1045 Tara Kelly SL 0:37:40 0:17:17
153 178 Martina Conlon F40 0:37:47 0:17:24
154 1007 Patricia Brogan SL 0:38:14 0:17:51
155 113 Sharon Eastwood Tireragh AC F40 0:38:17 0:17:54
156 130 Deirdre Johnston Dromore West - SL 0:38:18 0:17:55
157 137 Josephine Marley Skreen F40 0:38:20 0:17:57
158 134 Annie Kilcullen Tireragh AC F40 0:38:31 0:18:08
159 1049 Jamie O'Carroll Tireragh AC SM 0:38:37 0:18:14
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
160 1008 Anne O'Hara F50 0:39:10 0:18:47
161 1010 Colarine Colleary Sligo AC SL 0:39:13 0:18:50
162 104 Alvinia Byrne TUAM SL 0:39:15 0:18:52
163 1061 Noreen Walsh SL 0:39:25 0:19:02
164 1009 Lisa Cuffe SL 0:39:27 0:19:04
165 1051 Peter Leech Tireragh AC jm 0:39:58 0:19:35
166 1063 Pat Lang M40 0:40:01 0:19:38
167 114 Amanda Farry Coolaney - SL 0:40:03 0:19:40
168 1026 Sheila McDermott Tireragh AC F40 0:40:36 0:20:13
169 1021 Vanessa Dunleavy SL 0:40:58 0:20:35
170 105 Conor Cadden Sligo jm 0:41:06 0:20:43
171 166 John Ward Tireragh AC M40 0:41:49 0:21:26
172 181 Fiona Finnegan SL 0:41:52 0:21:29
173 1042 Dicky Connolly SM 0:41:58 0:21:35
174 225 Isabelle McPhillips Tireragh AC JW 0:42:28 0:22:05
175 1058 Dawn Burrows F50 0:42:56 0:22:33
176 180 Susan Baker SL 0:42:58 0:22:35
177 229 Siobhan Fallon Tireragh AC F50 0:43:18 0:22:55
178 142 Lisa McDaniel Fitness4All SL 0:43:37 0:23:14
179 102 Mary Bradley Neary Tireragh AC F40 0:43:53 0:23:30
180 246 Ann Gallagher FW 0:43:57 0:23:34
181 1054 Orla Bonner Tireragh AC SL 0:43:59 0:23:36
182 1025 Vivienne Egan SL 0:44:00 0:23:37
183 154 Frances O'Grady Tireragh AC SL 0:44:26 0:24:03
184 1022 Ciara Mooney Tireragh AC JW 0:44:47 0:24:24
185 240 Holly Dawn Tireragh AC JW 0:44:52 0:24:29
186 1055 Emma Bonner Tireragh AC JW 0:44:54 0:24:31
187 149 Lisa Neary Dromore West SL 0:44:56 0:24:33
188 136 Sharon Kilgannon Ballina SL 0:44:57 0:24:34
189 120 Deirdre Gethins Tireragh AC F40 0:47:45 0:27:22
190 168 Sean Dooner South West Vets M60 0:48:28 0:28:05
191 206 Gillia Gilgan SL 0:48:40 0:28:17
192 195 Niamh Gallagher FW 0:49:47 0:29:24
193 220 Anne Keerrigan F40 0:49:48 0:29:25
194 121 Kelly Gethins Ballymote FW 0:52:55 0:32:32
195 147 Maria Murray Tireragh AC FW 0:52:56 0:32:33
196 174 Christine O'Carroll Tireragh AC FW 0:53:52 0:33:29
197 175 Michelle Murray Tireragh AC FW 0:53:53 0:33:30
198 1023 Ann McDermlott SL 0:56:05 0:35:42
199 1031 Thelma Banks Dromahair Walking FW 0:57:39 0:37:16
200 236 Colin Davis Tireragh AC M40 0:58:05 0:37:42
Pos. Number Name Club / Categor Finish Offset
201 1038 Gerard Clarke MW 0:58:06 0:37:43
202 1035 Ann Reilly F40 0:59:58 0:39:35
203 1036 Amanda Horan Tireragh AC SL 0:59:59 0:39:36
204 1037 patricia Clarke FW 1:00:01 0:39:38
205 211 Lily Flynn FW 1:01:10 0:40:47
206 1030 Harry Banks Dromahair Walking ClubMW 1:01:11 0:40:48
207 1052 Freda Clarke FW 1:02:20 0:41:57
208 222 Liam Gallagher jm 1:02:30 0:42:07
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Tour De Ireland......
For those of you who don't know Stevie Finnegan Stevie is a member of Sligo AC and a regular member of the famous 7:57 club, Stevie has become one of the familiar faces in the running scene in Sligo over the past number of years, however running was not always Stevie's first love, and the truth be known it still isn't, Stevie who is a true Scot's man was a very competitive cyclist and won 2 stages of the very famous FBD Milk Ras in the 1980's, cycling as part of the Scottish team which went on to win the International Team event, this competitive side to Stevie has now carried over to his running and he is clocking some fantastic times in everything he competes in, be it on the road, on the track or in the fields during the cross country season, but it also has to be said that Stevie Finnegan is a true gentleman and a privilege to know. This was a truly super performance and merited been remembered by "Reeling in the years" so well done Stevie from all your friends in Sligo AC. I have attached the actual advertising poster for the event at the time and also the link below to the details of Stevie's famous wins. http://www.anpostmedia.com/Media/Ras_Archive/www.anpostras.com/event/fbdras_481.html
Zak "Bullet" Irwin
Once again we are delighted to take the time out to salute Sligo AC's exceptional young star Zak Irwin, this young man as I have printed in many earlier posts is not just going to be a star of the future he is already a star, and he "shone" very bright today in the Woodies DIY AAI Juvenile T&F Championships in Tullamore, Zak added to his already rising amount of gold medals by winning the National under 17 100 meters in a time of 11.14. We will continue to watch this young man's rise to fame with great pleasure and support, and Zak just to let you know we in Sligo AC are all very proud of your achievements, continued success and Happy Running.
Run In Mayo...
The 20th Balla 10k will take place on July 28th at 7pm. It is the third race in Mayo AC C&C Cellular 2012 Road League.
Sligo AC Chairman Michael O'Connell made another giant step back on the Road Racing circuit last night by finishing in a fantastic time of just over 23 minutes, The man who put's the face in Facebook gave 100% and was delighted to be back chasing down his fellow athletes, as you can see from the picture Michael finished whistling a tune...Welcome back Michael from all in Sligo AC...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
PB Smashed in Clontarf...
Pictured is Sligo AC member Sharon Dineen who is obviously Happy Out after smashing her PB in Clontarf last Saturday, Sharon ran a fantastic 1:58 in the Half Marathon, Sharon eased in to it and finished strong, congratulations to Sharon from all In Sligo AC.

A Fundraiser for Marcus Moore
5Km in Grange Village
Friday 20th July at 7pm
Novelty Prizes & Refreshments served afterwards
Registration from 6pm in North Sligo Sports Complex
Entry Fee €10 individual & €20 per family
A Fundraiser for Marcus Moore
Dromahair 4 Mile run and Walk and Children's races
Dromahair 4 Mile run and Walk and Children's races, Sunday 19th August 2012 - 3PM
Race 8 in the Filan's Centra/Sligo Credit Union Road Race League.
AAI permit granted.
Contact Name: Trevor McDaid Contact Number: 087 649 3491 Email: trevormcdaid@gmail.com
This popular event is organised by local runners in association with North Leitrim Athletic Club and has an AAI permit. The race starts and finishes on Dromahair’s Main Street.
Registration will take place in the function room in The Blue Devon from 1pm on Sunday August 19th, with a €10 entry fee per person.Walkers and runners of all abilities are encouraged to participate. As usual, there will be lots of trophies to be won in a wide selection of categories.
As well as the main four mile race, there will also be the usual very popular children’s races, which start at the earlier time of 2pm.
The entry fee for the children’s races is €3, and every child that takes part will be given a medal.
Refreshments and prize giving will take place after the main race, in the function room in The Blue Devon. The proceeds from the Dromahair 4 Mile Run and Walk will go to local causes.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Stop the clock.......
Pictured above is well known Sligo AC member Stevie Finnegan, Stevie has just won a very competitive 4 mile road race in Ballindine County Mayo, and for this we congratulate him, the funny thing about this is that it was a race with a difference, firstly the winner was not the first person across the finish line, the winner was the person who before the start while registering, predicted what time they would complete the race in, now you may think that that would be easy....but hold on I am not finished.... watches were not permitted, and there were no road markings to let you know how far you had ran and how far you had left, and as Stevie guessed his time to within 24 seconds, Stevie won the race, now the thing that all Stevie's running buddies in the 7:57 club will find amusing is that Stevie actually guessed his time so accurately due to the fact that Stevie is the Honorary owner of the prestigious Pink T-Shirt which is awarded to the person who turns up late for the 7:57 Saturday morning run, so once again Stevie Congratulations and I guess we will be seeing you bright and early on a Saturday morning now that you can tell the time...... :)
Friday, July 6, 2012
Pictured is Sligo AC member Fintan Whelan who has been selected as part of the Spartan
team who will undertake this years Dublin City Marathon after been coached by well known celebrity trainer Karl Henry from Operation Transformation and a number of other experts, Fintan is part of an extended team with a member from each county so we wish our very own Spartan the very best of luck, enjoy the training and enjoy the experience, and see you on the streets of the capital on the October bank holiday Monday. From all your friends in Sligo AC.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Busy Weekend Ahead....
Once again Sligo AC athletes are off to various events in various locations, and we wish them all well as they represent our club to such a high standard, firstly the
best of luck to Killian O'Connor in the European Mountain running Championships in Turkey, and all Sligo AC crew racing at the National senior Championships in santry over the weekend - Emmett Dunleavy in the 3,000m steeplechase, Eimear O'Brien in the 5,000m, Colm Bourke in the Long Jump, Emily Burns also in the Long Jump, and Zak Irwin & Gary Hynes 100m. Once again the very best of luck and Happy Running.
Sligo AC Trail Run / Jog / Walk
Sligo AC are organising a Trail Run for July 18th in Union Wood at 7:30pm.
Entry fee is €5 and €2 from the entry fee will go to The Sligo Leitrim mountain rescue who provide a vital service to the North West area, The Sligo Leitrim mountain rescue team will also be on hand on the evening of the event to provide the marshalling of the course, the course it self will be aproximately 4 mile in the beautiful surroundings of Union wood where there will also be a few challenging hills thrown in so you can really put your self to the test, this is an event with a difference for a very worthy charity so go on why not put yourself to the test. "See you in the woods" on July 18th. Registrations will be taken on the evening of the event at Ballisodare GAA pitch and there will also be spot prizes on the day.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Kevin is in Heaven...
Congratulations to Sligo AC athlete Kevin McGlone who smashed his PB in a recent Masters 800mtr track event in Galway by winning in a superb time of 2:08, this was well deserved as Kevin has been putting in some serious training over the past few months and he is now reaping the rewards. Well done Kevin from all your friends in Sligo AC.
Warrior Preparation...
Great preparation run in advance of the annual Warriors run, excellent organisation and fantastic scenery, go on give it a go...
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Ransboro Results
Ransboro 10k 2012
Overall Finishings can be found at http://www.mediafire.com/view/?4cx9qxcrcf3ccb5
Next Up..
Next up in the Sligo Road Racing calendar is the new Tireragh 4 Mile race on Friday July 13th, another race organised by runners for runners so get ready to head for the west Sligo location for a new experience, Go on you know you want to.
Busy Weekend.
Well done to all Sligo athletes who competed this weekend - Zak Irwin and Odhran Byrne Gildea race over 100m, Dermot McDermott and William Crowe in 800m, Cian Mc Bride in 1500m, Eimear O'Brien and Tommy Carroll in 3000m, and Caelainn McGonigle in the 800m in Birmingham
Zak Irwin finished 5th in Senior 100m in Gateshead on Saturday in a time of 11.18, it was a very close race with 2nd place running 11.16 into a -1.0 wind and stuck in lane 8.
Caelainn McGonigle ran 2.22 for 800m in Birmingham and Eimear O'Brien ran 10min flat for the 3,000m at the same meet, well done to all.
Phoenix Park Flyers..
2 of Sligo AC’s female athletes made the long journey to Dublin at a very early start on Saturday morning to partake in the Adidas 5 Mile road race in the capitals Phoenix Park, Ciara Donnellan and Jacinta Walsh ran superbly in this the first of the series to prepare athletes for the October bank holiday Dublin City Marathon, well done to both ladies
Enda wins in Waterford.
Sligo AC’s Enda Whelan had a fantastic day’s outing in the Viking Marathon on Saturday in Waterford winning the O-60 category in a time of 3:32, well done from all in Sligo AC.
Ransboro 10K
A fantastic turn out for the Ransboro 10K road Race held on Saturday evening where over 200 runners braved the elements to support this well established race. The conditions were difficult and the course challenging to say the least where the run was won by Sligo AC’s Tommy Casey home on vacation from studying in the States, Tommy led the field home in a time of 33:13 followed in second place by Sligo AC’s Seamie Sommers and Danny Hannon also from Sligo AC in third, Aisling Van Rensburg from North Sligo was the leading lady in a time of 40:24 followed by club mate Una McCool in a time of 40:59 and Sligo AC’s Anna Reddin was third in a time of 41:42. This race had everything from the scenery, race pacers, delicious after race food and fantastic hospitality that you should mark it in your calendar as an annual race, a run for runners organised by runners, well done to all.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Ransboro 10K (REMINDER)
Ransboro 10K is Race 5 in the Filans Centra/Sligo Credit Union Road Race League
In aid of Ransboro Development Association Sligo starting at 6.30PM this Saturday 30th June
We have assembled a high quality team of pacers in Enda Dineen Declan Foley and myself to pace the 45 / 50 /55 min groups
MC will be Michael O Connell
Timing team of Terry Hayes and Ann McHugh
Register on the Run Ireland website €12.00
Registration on the day €15.00
4.00- 6.00 pm at Ransboro school
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Irelands Call
Athletics Ireland have confirmed that two Sligo athletes have been selected on the Irish schools team for the Home Countries International in Kent in three weeks’ time after their success at the interprovincial Tailteann games in Santry last weekend.
Sligo AC clubman Zak Irwin from Sligo Grammar School will contest both the 100 and 200 metre events, and is set to compete on the 4x100 metre relat team as well.
North Sligo’s Cian McBride from Summerhill College will compete in the 800m discipline.
Both Irwin and McBride still have another year to compete at this level.
Well done to both lads.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
All Stars....

Richard doesn't do things by "HALF"

Conaught T N F, Day 2
Please find attached a link to the Provisional Results for the Connaught Track and Field \ Day 2.
If you are unable to access the results just drop me a line to sligoac@gmail.com and I will forward a copy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Woody Woody Peckers...

Weekend update..
Congrats to Sligo AC and Sligo Tri Club athlete Jason Mc Morrow who finished in 3rd place in the Westport Triathlon. All Jason's fans will be delighted to see him gain a podium place, well deserved Jay.
Best of luck to Sligo AC’s Zak Irwin, Stacey Kerr, Orla Mulvihill, Orlaith Delahunt, Killian O'Connor, Rachael Kilgallen, Colm Colm Bourke & Emily Burns all in serious contention for medals! in today’s Tailteann Games where they will represent Connaught also on Sunday at the Junior & U23 National Championships.
Good luck to all Sligo AC members who are competing in the Gael Force North, It’s only a 10K run, 14K cycle, 1K Kayak, Run Mount Errigal... & finish with a 10K cycle……..”I’m tired saying it”…
Sligo AC's stars of the future are also competing in the Community Games county finals at Sligo IT this weekend and we wish them well, and remember where ever you finish in your event you are still a winner...
Fruity Ladies.....

Dawn run.. and it's not a horse.."or is he".

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Pride and Achievement....

Road Race number 5...Ransboro...
Ransboro 10K - 30th June - is Race 5 in the Filans Centra/Sligo Credit Union Road Race League
In aid of Ransboro Development Association Sligo
Register Run Ireland €12.00
Registration on the day €15.00
4.00- 6.00 pm at Ransboro school
The course starts and finishes outside Ransboro National School winding its way along quiet country roads over slightly undulating terrain overlooked by Knocknarae. The race should attract a broad field of walkers, joggers and runners and is an ideal preparatory race for those getting in shape for the much more challenging “Warriors Run” in Strandhill in August. Registration is at Ransboro National School from 4.00pm with adjoining changing facilities in Ransboro Community Park.
Start times are walkers 6.15pm Childrens Race (No charge) 6.00 pm with runners at 6.30pm
Contact Name:
Clive Kivlehan / Trevor Hunter
Contact Number:
0872100481 / 0868299335
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
News update....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Eimear Leads the charge....
A massive well done to all Sligo AC ladies who completed the Flora Dublin Womens Mini Marathon on Bank holiday Monday,
The race was held in fantastic conditions even if some found the heat tough going at times, A total of 40,000 ladies took to the streets to test them selves as well as raising millions of Euro for very worthy charities. A special mention must go to Eimear O'Brien, the Sligo AC Athlete completed the course in a time of 37:10 crossing the line in 14th place overall. Some of the charities that benefited from local runners participation were Cystic Fibrosis and the Motor Neuron Association, pictured are of some of these charity runners.Well done to all you should be very proud of what you have achieved.
Results from the Dublin Womens Mini Marathon can be found at http://apps.florawomensminimarathon.ie/past-results/

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